The Urinary Toxic Element Collection (UTEC) test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the levels of heavy metals and other toxic elements in the body. This test provides valuable insights into your body's exposure to potentially harmful substances and helps guide detoxification and treatment strategies.
Signs of Toxic Element Exposure
Hair Loss
Reduced Bone Density
Heart Disease
Mood Disorders
Skin Issues or Slow Healing
Detoxification Treatments
Chronic Fatigue
Digestive Problems
High Blood Pressure
Weakened Immune System
Poor Blood Sugar Control
Chronic Inflammation
Impaired Kidney Function
Lack of Essential Nutrients
Parkinsonism Symptoms
What Metals are Tested?
Here is a sample report to see what toxic metals are tested with the UTEC.
The UTEC test is a valuable tool for identifying and assessing the body's burden of toxic metals. These insights can help guide effective detoxification strategies and promote better overall health.
Always consult with one of our doctors before starting the test to ensure it is appropriate for your individual needs and to receive personalized instructions. Understanding and addressing toxic metal exposure can lead to significant improvements in your well-being and quality of life.